The Metropolitan Opera is looking for the sea monster reported in newspaper headlines, because this monster sings beautifully! The "monster" is actually Willie, a whale who can sing in several voices simultaneously. A friend of his, a gull called Whitey, tells him about the searching ship, and Willie goes to audition, as it's been his ambition to perform on stage. Unfortunately...$大概是六岁以前,我家里有很多动画片VCD碟片,后来我只在梦里见过一只会唱《费加罗的婚礼》的鲸鱼。$小时候看的哭了好几遍,现在再看发现鲸鱼它真的好可爱啊,像一块巨大的软乎乎的黑色糯米冻冻糕。$童年系列!从这个动画开始接触歌剧!$童年回忆$不全怪老板,他也只是好心想救人而已。真把鲸鱼带回人类社会也不见得有啥好下场,只有YY是美好的,现实指不定就成了被片头那群砖家教兽抓去解剖。