On the one hand, there's the desert eating away at the land. The endless dry season, the lack of water. On the other there's the threat of war. The village well has run dry. The livestock is dying. Trusting their instinct, most of the villagers leave and head south. Rahne, the only literate one, decides to head east with his three children and Mouna, his wife. A few sheep, some...$要静下心看$“Marion Hänsel, à la vie” 家人在干涸的土地上渐渐失散之痛,极有力量的非洲影像。Marion Hänsel真是一块被忽视的珍宝。$很沉重$前行的希望,超越了死亡的恐惧。$《活着》奥德赛。女孩:“我为什么会出生”,难民看着天上的飞机:“我想他们根本看不见我们”,最后的“应许之地”却是联合国难民营,硬拍出了一种天仙下凡救苦救难普度众生的感觉。如果这部电影出自吉布提本地人,可能会更有说服力。