Jem Cohen’s newest film is a personal, essayistic documentary in 15 chapters. The director composes images, sound and music with remarkable intensity, combining them into a hypnotic foray through the metropolises of our world: New York, Moscow, St. Petersburg, Istanbul, Porto and a city intended to remain unknown. Time passes and stands still at the same time. The camera is lik...$光是纽约他就拍了多少部片子了怎么也拍不够总又能找到新颖的吸引他的地方。是真爱。把他和Marker拿来比较不太妥当。他只是以自己的方式在纪念好友吧。$Chris Marker去世之后,Jem Cohen作为他的朋友、仰慕者,构思了这样一部相似的“走世界,去记录”的致敬纪录片。有些地方的确很灵,尤其纽约的部分。他今天还念了Marker若干年前发给他的邮件,唉,斯人已去$希望还能遇到放映! 只看过数字版的片段琐碎而美好的片段$ephemeral/snapshots/snippetsTo record those intoxicating flash of Sunday wanderings “In this layman’s double for prayer that we call Memory.”$不知道导演是想模仿Marker但水平不够,还是想颠覆Marker但水平不够。