Bare et liv – Historien om Fridtjof Nansen (English: Just a life – the story of Fridtjof Nansen) is a 1968 Norwegian/Soviet drama film directed by Sergei Mikaelyan, starring Knut Wigert and Veslemøy Haslund. The film depicts three important episodes in the life of Fridtjof Nansen (Wigert): his North Pole expedition, his diplomatic work with the League of Nations and his humanit...$極不喜歡第一部份(北極探險);這片真是夠大膽的,直接批評蘇共,披露伏爾加河大饑荒。$俄罗斯人就是怀念苏联时期的强盛,因为叶利钦的休克疗法彻底搞垮俄罗斯经济,直到普京上台才有发展,俄罗斯为了保持正当性也不会在现在这个资本主义占主流的地方说以前苏联的好话,所以苏联只得这样一直黑下去,除非我们能够把整个世界解放了。