David Attenborough has a passion for birds' eggs. These remarkable structures nurture new life, protecting it from the outside world at the same time as allowing it to breathe. They are strong enough to withstand the full weight of an incubating parent and weak enough to allow a chick to break free. But how is an egg made? Why are they the shape they are? And perhaps most impor...$DA爷爷露脸了 感恩hahahah$人要是卵生就好了,也就不会有代孕了。蛋总是要下的且风险极小可以随便卖。。$对鸟类的繁殖有了新认识$老爷子的纪录片最后都落在保护大自然的主题上$如果问世上什么东西是完美的,那答案肯定是蛋了🥚