Leave the beach towel at home and take a trip to the end of the earth – literally. From the Starship UK to one very haunted hotel, you won’t find the destinations of “Doctor Who” in any guidebook.
every girl's dream is to have a guy call her at 3am just to say, "hey, i just wanted to tell you i am outside of your window with the TARDIS and where do you want to start?"$几个人巴拉巴拉说半天,,我还以为有幕后花絮。。$胡大夫 我是你的脑残粉!!!$all of time and space, everywhere and anywhere, every star that ever was. where do you want to start?$“the trash planet's consciousness is called House,which err it didn't sound anything like Hugh Laurie,so that confuse me”.哈哈哈哈哈笑死我了