David Bowie is one of the most pioneering and influential performers of modern times. He's had a long and successful career and been a major figure in the music world for over four decades, during which time it is estimated he has sold about 140 million albums. As the Victoria and Albert Museum's David Bowie exhibition proves itself the fastest seller in the institution's histo...$回顾了一下从出道到13年的各个时期,提及了Bowie身边的几个比较重要的人,都是简单的分析,适合刚接触的人整体了解他。因为纪录片制作时间是13年,很遗憾不能讲到Lazarus和死而复生的意象,让这份生平履历看上去不是那么完整了。宝真是把一生活成艺术的人,不固步自封而是永远在尝试,善于吸收敢于挑战是他最大的特点。英国人真是很爱他,之前飞机上遇到的一个聊了一路的人能把life on mars的歌词背出...