The latest “clayography” runs 20 minutes in black and white stop-motion, similar in style to Elliot’s previous films. The bittersweet biography centers on a deaf Parisian taxidermist, blending humor and tragedy to create a powerful meditation on love and life. Ernie Biscuit is narrated by Elliot’s long-time collaborator John Flaus. Ernie Biscuit will have its world premiere at ...$无悲剧不深刻$黏土动画,聋人与盲人的缺陷爱情,开头搞笑,后面从法国辗转威尼斯,梦的破裂以及修复,Love is blind and Silence is Gold$8.2 私心打了四星$和前两部差太远了$"成为挡风玻璃,不要成为昆虫"。(突然的死亡、糟糕的童年经历,爱情的修补……