In 1979 a four-episode Fantômas television series was co-produced by Antenne 2 (France) and Hamster Films (Germany). Each episode was approximately 90 minutes long. Although several of the titles were changed, each episode was based on a Souvestre-Allain novel: the first on Fantômas, the third on Le Mort qui tue, of course, and the last one Un Roi prisonnier de Fantômas. 比马莱、德菲奈斯版更重悬疑犯罪,但并没有缺失喜剧情节;夏布洛尔导演的E1E4悬疑感更重,JLB导演的E2E3集犯罪、动作、喜剧为一体,更具娱乐性(贝老师整部剧不是贴着各种花样的胡子,就是头罩蒙脸,嗑颜是没指望了还是嗑演技吧$1988.09.02$留名,第一个看这部电影的人。