The story is about an unnamed detective, hired by a beautiful, alcoholic woman, to find clues related to the disappearance of her husband. In the process, the detective is given a map (a ruined one), supposedly to help him, but which turns out in the end to be more like a metaphor of the guidelines one should have in life. The impossibility of finding relevant clues to help him...$not completely successful$3.5$勉强的超现实镜头在尽量凸显存在主义氛围,但还是无力挽救平庸的剧作,一脸憨直的胜新太郎看不到任何情绪波澜。值得称道的是镜面的利用,以及对城市空间的零星描摹。$说实话不像是安部公房➕敕使河原宏的往常存在主义之感呀!确实没多大惊艳,甚至一开始就不好入戏,不过神秘感还是有的。没有完全理解,但一定会把书找来重新看过。$结尾处太存在主义了。敕使河原宏一向都不是给人以真相,而是让主角在事件中摸索自己的位置。