Explores the life and work of the psychoanalytic theorist and activist Frantz Fanon who was born in Martinique, educated in Paris and worked in Algeria. Examines Fanon's theories of identity and race, and traces his involvement in the anti-colonial struggle in Algeria and throughout the world. 豆瓣的数据库还是很大的啊,这个都能看到,嗯,处女评=3$【BAMPFA】2017.11.27.6:30pm 导演亲来,朱迪斯·巴特勒参与了映后对谈。$听stuart hall讲话太舒服了……(重点错误$多层次主题:种族间婚姻、同性恋、文化差异、宗教信仰、殖民战争。“看”是欲望的流露、权利的方向。心理医生解放了病人的枷锁——有形及无形的,运用大量特写不同场面调度(四重“看”)拍摄医生倾听病人口述记忆。对主观性的调研,电影者与拍摄主体的关系。Body与disembody。Question of POV。拉康。$霍尔是唯一亮点