From Amazon: Going Against Fate pairs an excellent CD performance of Mahler's Sixth Symphony with a DVD that shows the extensive preparation that is involved in such a performance. One of the things you will see in the DVD is "hammerschlag practice"--the testing by percussionists and sound engineers of various hammerblow sounds created by slamming a huge wooden mallet down in v...$苏黎世交响乐团的马六排练及演出。指挥David Zinman非常幽默,总能向乐团生动地描述出自己想要什么样的演奏。乐手们也表达了自己对作品的理解。终乐章打击乐部分“三记重槌”,为了营造马勒想要的“闪电劈开大树”的效果,尝试了好几种落槌的方法。录音师一脸无奈:There must be an easier way to make a living.