Going Where I've Never Been: The Photography of Diane Arbus



主演:Doon Arbus Mary Clare Costello Marvin Israel Lisette Model 

导演:John Musilli / 


  The work of photographer Diane Arbus as explained by her daughter, friends, critics, and in her own words as recorded in her journals. Illustrated with many of her photographs. Mary Clare Costello, narrator Themes: Arbus' quirky go-it-alone approach. Her attraction to the bizarre, people on the fringes of society: sexual deviants, odd types, the extremes, styles in questionable...$我的freak爱好启蒙,无关人文主义关怀$You don't put into a photograph what's going to come out, or vice versa what comes out is not what you put in. I never have taken a photograph I have intended.$比较简短单薄,没有太深入的挖掘和讲解。$


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