Soviet era science-fiction is something that holds a great fascination as an x-ray of the zeitgeist of its times in exactly the same way that 1950s Hollywood B movies are fascinating historical artefacts for the way that they amplify fears of the Atomic Age and of the Communist threat. The Soviet films are fascinating in very different ways to their American counterparts – you ...$和《火星女王艾莉塔》都改编自A·H·托尔斯泰的小说,之后很多元素被《珊瑚岛上的死光》模仿了$电影改编自前苏联作家阿列克谢·托尔斯泰的科幻小说,译者根据英字转译为中字,暂时还没有找到俄语翻译校对,个别语句翻译质量或许不佳请见谅。电影:$特效为零的科幻片(哭笑$整体剧情挺有趣的,就是结局有些迷惑😂