While waiting for their bus, five passengers have just had horrible nightmares and decide to tell them to each other to help killing time. A swimmer, who has lessons in a swimming pool with a dead swimmer, tells the first one. A young boy, who goes camping with two friends and a crazy man as a leader, is the next. Then, a lonely woman, who has an infatuation with the anchor of ...$pic²87分钟,流水线作品,TV电影品质。$原来是梦中梦,http://www.bilibili.com/video/av2650543/$几个小故事 略血腥$80年代的恐怖片有种特有的恐怖氛围,此片没有刻意卖弄血浆,梦中梦的架构在当时也算比较新颖了