A man shows up at Kimberley Prescott's villa claiming to be her brother. But Ward Prescott died in a car accident a year ago, so how can this man be him? Despite Kim's protests that the stranger isn't her brother, everyone else accepts him, including their uncle. Kim begins to fear for her sanity and her life 原来这个套路那么早就诞生了,希区柯克派啊。男主角真的迷人,尤其正反两派之间,利用这种套路擦出了性感的暧昧火花。$挺好看的,紧张感和悬疑感一直够强,几次惊吓效果都到位,山路飙车戏精彩,结尾挺有意思,如果按台词理解感觉不太能自圆其说,但是如果按最后女主角挺胸抬头的肢体语言理解,真相恐怕有另一种理解$3.5,有希胖的影子,结局出彩$those stones$还是很有意思的呐,看黑白片的一个看点就是光影,剧情也算是有新意(除了突然切的特写真是吓到我了.....)