海伦·凯勒The Unconquered(1954)



又名:Helen Keller in Her Story

主演:海伦·凯勒 Katharine Cornell 

导演:南希·汉密尔顿 / 




Helen Keller in Her Story (also known as The Unconquered) is an American biographical documentary about Helen Keller made in 1954. It won the Academy Award for Best Documentary Feature in 1955. It starred Helen Keller and used extensive footage of her visits/remembrances of Dwight Eisenhower, Martha Graham and others. The film was produced and directed by Nancy Hamilton and narrated by her friend, actress Katharine Cornell, and was shot mostly in Pittsburgh. The Academy Film Archive preserved Helen Keller in Her Story in 2006.
  Helen Keller in Her Story (also known as The Unconquered) is an American biographical documentary about Helen Keller made in 1954.   It won the Academy Award for Best Documentary Feature in 1955. It starred Helen Keller and used extensive footage of her visits/remembrances of Dwight Eisenhower, Martha Graham and others. The film was produced and directed by Nancy Hamilton and nar...$溺爱与圈养让海伦一直习惯于错误的思维里,她的老师引导她看到了外面的世界。有时候人看不到404外的世界不是因为身处井底,而是老师不作为。$看哭了,一个人没视觉又没听觉,她无法接收外界消息,无法向外界表达自己的情感,是老师让她看得见听得见!当时海伦说假如给她三天光明,她要把一天留给老师,她抚摸过无数次的脸!剧中两位女演员演技炸裂,长镜头下的情绪从彻底疯狂到内心平静!印象最深刻的是摸水那一段,她不仅学会了语言,更是感受到了生命的美好!还有一段很深刻,是女孩的叔叔,虽然仅出现半分钟,他用椅子支撑自己起来去关门阻挡女孩爸爸时,原来他也...$海伦终于明白水的单词的时候太感人了$I’m touched! !!!!!$当迷茫的时候看看海伦.凯勒还是很有动力的,在她的世界里是迷茫的,渐渐的有了老师的指引,她走出了自己,能够感知世界上的事物,表达自己的情感,虽然很苦很累,但她终究做到了,我们有时候也需要像她一样对未知,对知识的渴望,努力吧


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