When three siblings gather to mourn the death of their mother, they learn something very unexpected about the real identity of their father. Determined to discover the truth, the three unlikely travelling companions set off on a journey from Israel to Paris to find out more about themselves than they ever knew. 妹夫陪兄妹三人的巴黎寻父记,拍到后面快成美剧“老爸老妈浪漫史”了。悬念毫无用处,结尾不明说以。$颠覆了我对喜剧的印象,整体不搞笑,有些片段挺搞笑。“整个电影没有高潮”,老婆大人语。感情深沉。对了解以色列人的文化有一定帮助。$两星半,尽管是寻根之旅的严肃素材,发生在以色列和法国,却像主流美国公路喜剧片一样光鲜,三姐弟的每个性格都很突出,每一处包袱也都能在结尾巧妙地迎刃而解。但也仅仅是还算过得去而已,如和同题材美国片比起来还是逊色许多。