ARIANE MNOUCHKINE’S FILM Tambours sur la Digue is a cinematographic transposition of her production performed by the Théâtre du Soleil troupe at the Cartoucherie theatre complex. This transition from theatre to film creates an additional story within a story, especially since it is about a dramatic work itself performed using a juxtaposition of theatrical forms and different le...$作为理解法语的坐在剧院里欣赏这出舞台剧的观众来说,可能并没有什么“难以理解”的地方。但是作为经过镜头剪辑和画面切换后的电视电影,会让我觉得有疏离感。法语配音,取自当代现实的故事,加上英文字幕,是给理解和感受打折扣的。此外还要提一提法国演员的表演方式啊,即便已经做了木偶式的处理,还是能从动作和嘴型上看到现代人的标志,对于艺术家来说,这不太应该。$pretty good but not the best.$剧情太傻$本世纪最佳!$直达化境。