The Great White Tiger Platoon was part of the Aizu clan's last ditch efforts to stop the advance of Imperial troops after the fall of the Tokugawa Shogunate. Meant to be a reserve unit as it was made of the young, 16-17 year old sons of Aizu samurai. Their story is one of the great tragedies of the Boshin War (1868-1869) as they were called into action. Getting cut off from the...$古典镜法,运镜流畅,且经常推进调整画面重点。轴线连贯性不错,鲜有错误。一些溶接。$已有$已发mkv/1.3GB$小制作,当年看的蛮投入的。主要是喜欢新英明二十八众句的白虎队美少年切腹图。$悲壮