An NYC matchmaker (Joy Lenz) is hired by a king to find his son (Will Kemp) a suitable wife in time for a national celebration. As the clock ticks towards her deadline, the matchmaker finds him the perfect wife -- only to realize that she's fallen in love with him. 在回国的航班上看了这一部电影 没想到自己会是第了豆瓣上第一个写这部电影影评的人 还是挺美好的爱情故事 不过有点落入俗套 一看开头就能想到结尾 女主很美 可惜气质上有些欠缺 总是弯腰驼背的 还有我感觉剧组的经费是不是特别少......$海报+片名=剧情:媒人给王子找媳妇,然后媒人自己上。倒是简单粗暴。$韩剧狗血情节,will kemp戏外比戏里好看$剧情比较俗套,女主相比Patria没气质…$居然是第二个写评价的😺很甜很暖很cliche, makes a perfect flight movie. 喜欢女主的合伙人,超有气质。