Out of the carnage in Europe 50 years ago, the Allies selected certain memories. They used them to build the official version of the good war. This film is about how that happened. It tells why certain memories have to be buried and forgotten because they contradicted the optimism of the big historical picture. The Living Dead (subtitled Three Films About the Power of the Past)...$最后一集也看的太痛苦,一堆tory好难顶。帝国主义时代的梦请放手吧。所以明面上的坏事都在90年代以前干透了还是很有好处。现在可与到处去别的国家传播爱与正义。$第三部英国人那种对帝国的蜜汁自信简直太真实$第一部Adam Curtis/关于历史构建中的记忆影片。二战后的科技主义者一代,保守派和自由主义的嬉皮士,从建筑师到经济学再到兰德,天真地以为用科技和科学理性能够解决一切社会问题...然而一切的方式都在以相同的结局回应这场失败。残酷的现实主义中的残酷真相是:权力的存在。$苏美英