The first film ever to document the ancient custom of bride kidnapping which is a common way of marrying in Kyrgyzstan, one of the former Soviet Republics in Central Asia. When a Kyrgyz man decides to marry, he often abducts the woman he has chosen. Typically, he takes several friends, hires a car, stakes out his bride-to-be's movements, and snatches her off the street. The wom...$可怕。。。$吉爾吉斯斯坦的綁嫁搶婚傳統比南亞次大陸的盲婚啞嫁來得更加離譜。莫非這是吉爾吉斯男屌絲的殺手鐧?PS:上次在香港看了彼得朗的《重返塔希爾廣場》,今日再看《綁嫁》,還真能發現彼得朗的記錄鏡頭專門聚焦民主自由人權等「斷層帶」。只是每部紀錄片所凸現的主題不同罷了。