This is a great movie. See why the dead can't find peace, because of us the alive. It is hard to see greatness of this film if you don't understand Serbian. Movie starts when professor Misa find the one thing what he was searching all his life-the passage. Soon after, he dies. The dead in their world, are one by one disappointed by things that happened in the world of a living....$只让我想起了一个名字:库斯图里卡。但是比那家伙无厘头。$故事挺有意思的。虽然时长比较短,但还是觉得节奏有点慢。$从考古学家发掘遗迹后的意外身亡开始,他体验了逝者世界的曾经熟悉的人的种种寂寥,逝者们反走黄泉路时竟看到了基督 十字军与世界大战,他们回来时没有打扰生者的欢乐就匆匆离去,考古学家毕生的成果在身后被家人丢弃,复活的他在传递了那个世界的消息后也猝然离开。Humans' history is a history all about death. Civilizations rise and colla...$不好$南斯拉夫黑色浪潮之后又一部充满想象力的作品,南部斯拉夫人的想象力才是真浪漫。生门和死门的交会点,死了的活人因为活着的死人而不得安宁,死了才知道生前周围都是怎样的人。祖国一切都没有改变,只有我渐渐远去。手风琴伴随着永恒不变的乡愁民歌吟唱,先祖的大门对我们从此永远关上了。此片拍摄于1989年,血染巴尔干前夕,不知道导演戈兰是否早已预感到什么。一群强盗,土匪,投机者,既得利益者,犬儒主义者,开着枪要求演...