Well, this unknown but genius horror film had a deep and real beyond story, including the mystery of the screenplay, very real feeling of dead world. I can compare this film with Lucio Fulci's last "The door to the silence" of the same year. A detective is working on a strange suicide story and meets strange people who tells about "forzi"- some beyond creatures taking away peop...$有一些很强部分,小时候看过这篇。如果现在看估计能给3星。英文字母都没有。$画质不佳,也没什么高能$上手吓了我一跳,沙沙风声+一个割腕的女人,好凄惨$真的太好了,厄运题材恐怖片一绝。完全没想到俄罗斯老片子会这么好看,好看到我头皮发麻。 可以在YouTube上找到带英文字幕的$要是1991年的《蜘蛛》和1992年的《接觸》能再下兩錢肉緊,絕對會成為蘇聯解體初期的恐怖經典。這部《接觸》某些鏡頭還真讓人雞皮疙瘩起。(外掛英字觀看)