Rafael resides on his southern Spanish finca with his friends, a group of bohemian refuseniks, adventurers and leftover revolutionaries. They loaf about in style in the idyllic surroundings, playing around, drinking, chatting, reciting verse, posing and performing. Early on, Rafael’s son shows up with his German fiancée, who soon runs off with Julio after some four-handed piano...$#HKIFF# 三星半。改编自“波西米亚女伯爵”Fanny zu Reventlow同名小说。在西班牙南部村庄,金钱和爱情影响着这些游手好闲的革命遗民。“你的职业是什么?”“我不工作,我没有那种习惯。我等待。”“你等待什么”“等待金钱原谅我。金钱总是无法忍受被忽略。”$#HKIFF 中途一度快睡着但是那场尴尬的意大利对话拯救了我 此外 下米前的讨论 鹅的模仿 这帮奇怪的可笑的好像精神独立的青年或中年人啊