This was the first filming of Enid Blyton's famous first Famous Five foray from '42, in 8 weekly parts lasting over 2 hours in total but still retaining the zeitgeist as nothing subsequent ever quite has. The times have gone now as surely as good old British Pluck has been replaced by good old British Trepidation Due To Fear Of Litigation. Totally throwaway and probably not ver...$3.5星,伊妮德.布莱顿畅销小说改编,聪明勇敢的孩子们运用集体智慧粉碎了贪婪狡诈的成年人的阴谋,这种类型的儿童题材小说和电影在后来的岁月中越来越泛滥再回头看这部就好像找到了最初的雏形,虽然是电视系列片但是制作精良水下摄影部分尤其出色。