Kat'ka’s Reinette Apples was broke all box office records in 1927 in USSR. Film is still remarkably contemporary today and capable of “waking up” drowsing students in Russian film courses. Film is notable as it is regarded as an accurate portrayal of this period of Soviet history and constitutes one of the first attempts to create a film based upon contemporary Soviet "everyday...$1$皇后苹果卡思嘉,钢琴独奏七十八,片尾一枚胖娃娃,看完打架乐哈哈。$號稱是「1927年的蘇聯電影票房冠軍」的默片。從一個蘇聯城市女走鬼身上就能看出新經濟政策(НЭП)時期的社會生態,人際倫理和市場經濟的「鬆綁」。可堪「新經濟政策時期的小百科全書」。