Kingdom of Dreams is a thrilling archive-led story that is a visually dazzling chronicle of the fashion world spanning three decades - from the early-1990s to the 2010s. It is a Golden Age, a time when the forces of ground-breaking creativity and disruptive business converge and collide. Fashion explodes out of the traditional, elite kingdoms of haute couture and style - Paris,...$九十年代到世纪初这点事真是翻来覆去地说$四个创意天才的故事,从小到大他们的名字便不断出现在耳边,可以说塑造了我成长过程中对时尚的认知。Marc Jacob一直以来都是最不费力的选择,McQueen最让人唏嘘。$精彩,讲述了LVMH背后的世界首富和Fashion industry icon designers的恩怨是非$几乎都是20年前的事情,如果对这几个人几个集团无了解还可以看看,若看过一些,其实无新鲜内容。感觉所谓时尚圈最近20年就没什么事了???