Ira is a nervous playwright waiting and hoping to succeed with his art, which he takes it very seriously. But following his dreams and ambitions isn't something easy to do, specially when he has to consider the points of view his family, his artist friends and his girlfriend will provide to him whenever he exposes his incomprehensible works of art. 导演傲娇死了,各种作$perfect awkward musical. I don't do junk,I am Junk. Todd Solondz化身翻版Woody Allen先锋戏剧家,三个妹子逐个纠缠逐个抑郁,艺术的真谛是生活的折磨,贝克特回信了哦$算是Todd Solondz的长片处女作吧,多少有Woody Allen的影子,特别是影片末尾以戏剧的方式重新讲述曾经许下的miracle诺言,让我想起了Annie Hall。还看到了年轻时候的Stanley Tucci,真是意外。$3/5 每个人在自己心里都是一个“带着饥饿感的艺术家”“正经演员”和“天才”,而现实往往会毫不客气地让大家现出废材属性。$keep writing