Elisabeth is married to a German and has a young daughter. She leaves her husband and child behind to trace the path of women’s rights activist Flora Tristan (1803–1844). The young, French historian takes the train to Lyon, where the early socialist spent the year before her death trying to create a Workers’ Union; ten thousand of them would later join her funeral procession. E...$这是我这五年来在固定四星的柏林电影节经典回顾单元里看过的最无聊的影片。$导演映后想提问 结果没时间了。。。$(还是不要太宽容了 (真的几乎什么都没有讲(唯一喜欢的镜头是片尾空旷的里昂车站大堂里她开始拉小提琴$在美术馆里一个放映会看的 导演也在 emm$Cinémathèque Française. 里昂。对一座城市的记忆。对一个人的记忆和遗忘。