How can you understand a violent past? Somali-born Abdi is furniture designer and support worker. He reenacts his life, marked by war and criminality, with the help of his neighbor and filmmaker Douwe. By means of playful reconstructions in a special effects studio, Abdi and Douwe embark on a candid and investigative journey through a painful history, focusing on the creative p...$2022洛迦诺短片国际竞赛银豹奖+欧洲电影奖资格,2023克莱蒙费朗国际竞赛Adobe特效奖。确实非常厉害的元电影玩法,用绿幕特效和微缩景观来重建记忆,不仅仅停留在一个“制作纪录片”上,而是很深入到了“叙事-元叙事”以及“场景重现”的问题,讨论的也是热门的索马里难民-移民问题。略有点重复,不过还是相当有新意。#年度佳作候选#$#75th_Locarno$#Locarno75$#Filmpodium Kurzfilmtage Winterthur不够有趣也不够痛苦$@75th_Locarno