»noBody« questions the metaphysical existence of humanity. It addresses the absence of the body, and confronts us with feelings that our own realization of being mortal awakes in us. Without a body, what makes us human? In »noBody« the choreographer, accompanied by 25 dancers, faces the challenge of rendering the non-physical visible by using the physical body itself. »noBody« ...$1999年起莎夏•瓦兹开始着手于探讨人类身体的舞蹈剧三部曲,2002年完成的《零身体》是其最后一部,并且是其首次与哥德堡芭蕾乐团合作的演出。该作品向人类超感觉的存在提出质疑,以躯体的缺席为主题(“摆脱了肉体的人类是怎样的?”),并且和“让人类意识到其非永生性的感觉”相对照。$前面镜头闪回稍微有些分散注意力。50分钟后开始好看了,男A背起男B在一套衣服里的那段是非常好看了。$这部最好$渐入佳境$激烈的肢体语言。行为艺术。