“Oyuki, the [Virgin] is based on Kawaguchi Matsutaro’s adaptation of Maupassant’s “Boule de Suif” [“Lump of Fat,” also the inspiration for Ford’s Stagecoach]. To this story Mizoguchi added some of his own elements. Maupassant’s original work, set during the Franco-Prussian War, is the story of a group of people who try to flee the battleground in a horsedrawn carriage. The bour...$被Paris cinema的cine concert给毁掉的一部$作为底色的连贯性系统,与偶尔出现的装饰性构图存在着一定的矛盾。不过值得一提的是,这一时期的沟口健二(1936之前),很少使用纵深构图和长镜头相结合的手法,本片中阿金引诱将军的那场戏算是一个例外,几个广角镜拍得真好。$全片只有279个镜头,摄影机稳定的记录着动作,拒绝切向某个人物的反应,沟口将长镜头用到了前所未有的程度,这些长镜头很少跟随演员移动,迫使我们观看以无情步调展开的痛苦的自我牺牲行为。$还可以吧!$6年后重看。