Alexander McQueen had the kind of fashion genius that only comes around once in a generation. He reinvented the catwalk and created clothes that shocked and thrilled his audience. This dramatic and elegantly shot film tells McQueen's story, by examining critical relationships - most significantly with the eccentric stylist Isabella Blow, who was credited with discovering McQuee...$麦昆不仅仅是服装设计师了,他就是艺术家。比同期的那几位高太多了。我的见识有限,觉得他的设计和秀的表现力上,都强于比他年长的还健在的Armani, Karl Legerfeld, Valentino。他跟Chanel, 纪梵希,迪奥同列都丝毫不逊色的。$fashion made him n fashion killed him? couldn't understand all that fuss....$"Fashion theatre". Lee Alexander McQueen & Isabella Blow$Yves Saint Laurent 、John Galliano 、Raf Simons大神们都一样…做的太好太惊世骇俗有不被认同的压力or做的太好有后续没法再超过自己巅峰的压力。创作者灵感的枯竭和心智能量的大大消耗。内在外在都是可怕的。从笑着说it‘sfine,imafighter 到表情僵硬回复idontcareaboutthem。唉$he was born for beauty, and he died in beauty