Janine Turner stars as a wealthy American artist named Vanessa Stewart, whose chance meeting and subsequent relationship with Bill Fitzgerald, a lonely Irish journalist, during a trip to Venice changes her life in more ways than she could ever have imagined -- despite the fact that she's already engaged. Adapted from the novel by Barbara Taylor Bradford. 女主長得很有味道,兩星給威尼斯那段,勾起無數回憶$异国水城邂逅,浪漫的格调,很好看$十几年前唯美爱情,十几年后再来看却是小三,拆墙脚,各种drama……$剧情跟《泰坦尼克》和《火花》类似,不同的是皆大欢喜的结局和唯美的威尼斯场景。$喜欢威尼斯。相处长达4年之久的未婚夫敌不过见面几天的男人。所以说爱情也要速战速决,否则通常会是悲剧结局。