A conjurer in Chinese garb jumps out of a box that's about two feet wide and six inches high. He conjures an assistant from the same box plus a young woman, who then disappears into the box. He continuously picks up the box and shows us the empty inside. Next, he removes many small boxes from the larger box, stacks them on top of each other after making a base row of six or sev...$停机再拍啊,倒放啊,这是那个时候最高级的特技了吧。$你妹啊这是cos中国人还是cos日本人啊。通过不同景别的剪辑制造魔术还是有效果的。砖块上贴图做的也不错。$色彩应该是现在给弄的吧?感觉是有些魔术桥段是把胶片倒过来剪辑后放映的效果。$假魔术$电影本身就是最伟大的魔术