The film shows the history of the Neapolitan popular revolt against the invading Germans, during the second world war. During the four days in Naples the revolt turns over in just few hours. Neapolitans slinged on rifles and guns, and they armed themselves with stones, house-objects, gasoline-bottles and everything, anonymous and silent. Gennarino Capuozzo, a ten year old child...$美制坦克满地跑的良心抗德神剧。那不勒斯市民争先把破旧家具和拆下来的马桶浴缸洗手池从楼上扔下去(“我的床不能扔!!”)砸德国大兵真是太震撼了……$主角是拿波里,光荣属于人民$此片献给金英勇勋章获得者12岁少年英雄真纳罗·卡波佐,以及英勇的那不勒斯人民和所有为自由而战的意大利人们。$意大利人能拍出这样一部严肃优秀的战争片实属罕见