Behold! Another movie about crooked New York cops and the two unorthodox cop and lawyer that gives them the shakedown. The story was alright, but the action scenes were tremendous. In fact, they were too good for a movie that had a very solemn thriller aspect in addition to having trouble picking up the pace at points. Things will go slow and then bam! Some wild action scene oc...$BSC频道HD原声双语字幕96分钟,制片方的意图是打造一部正邪泾渭分明又互相踩线,爱恨交织情义违背,场面宏大动作火爆的警匪大片。影片投资不算少一些细节的处理关键演员的关键演出以及导演的技法最终只交出了及格水平的作品。