The director Jorge de Carvalho and his students meet the legendary Colombian filmmaker Luis Ospina in a fake tropical jungle in Lisbon, where a memorable conversation takes place. The documentary takes the viewer on a deep journey into Ospina’s life and his prolific filmography, in which the filmmaker shares his avid cinephilia, from his references to the story of the Cali Grou...$#10262. 53rd IFFR-Cinema Regained。为了看这部片来鹿特丹之前还专门看了几部Luis Ospina的片子。本片主体是Ospina在2018年DocLisboa期间的一次采访,回顾了他的人生和电影创作,尤其谈到了他对纪录片(包括伪纪录片和散文电影)的观念“剧情片像是狩猎,而纪录片像是钓鱼”,也谈及了对当下世界尤其是新技术、后真相等的观点。看完不由地觉得电影史类的片子还是...