Patrick is a warm, open, twenty-six year old virgin schizophrenic. Pills and his mother's protection means Patrick is no threat to himself or others. Until he falls in love. Maura is Patrick's obsessive mother and her need to control her son blinds her to the reality that sometimes the only thing more damaging than hate is misguided love. Soon to be redundant, alcoholic air-hos...$2组人物之间,互相的镜像成就了彼此的存在感。总觉得这类影片的魅力不是讲故事,不是解决情感问题,而是在于叙事的方法和视听的魅力。帕特里克的眼中的世界梦幻、又赋予纯净之美,他所深爱的女人痛苦又绝望,他妈妈以爱的名义伤害着他,警察差点成为母亲的救命稻草.....$I watched this movie in this year's Woodstock Film Festival. It's so great!!!!!$能关注到这样的主题是很有诚意的,表演还可以更好,主要是剧本还可以更丰富,故事有点薄了。