Sally Pinkus is an German-Jewish boy who takes a job as a shoe store clerk after being expelled from school for goofing around. Soon fired for trying to court the owner's daughter, Pinkus lands another job in a more 'upmarket' shoe salon, only to be fired again, before charming a rich benefactress to fund his ultimate dream: Pinkus' Shoe Palace. @中放 刘别谦自导自演 老觉得他长的像个爵士乐手 笑起来太邪气啦 哈哈哈哈 水瓶导演果然不会令人失望$刘别谦的演技不错,举手投足已经有点大导演范了。$我居然把它看完了。。。。一个无赖如何成为一个有钱的无赖的故事$身边经常就有这样机智风趣的无赖,刘别谦的角色彻底演活了,不过影片太长了仍然很无聊。$大师不敢评价