Princess Margaret: The Rebel Royal(2018)








This compelling two-part series profiles Princess Margaret, whose life and loves reflected the social and sexual revolution that transformed Britain during the 20th Century. With sumptuous archive, engaging animated illustrations and a series of revealing interviews with close friends, personal staff, historians and biographers, the series follows Margaret’s life as she re-defined our image of the modern princess. This deeply personal account reveals how Princess Margaret’s character combined the rebellious force of modernity and a deep respect for tradition. In this she embodied the spirit of cultural change in the second half of the 20th Century. Contributors include Lady Anne Glenconner, a childhood friend who became lady in waiting; Basil Charles, the owner of a bar on the Caribbean island of Mustique who met the Princess in the 1970s; Christopher Warwick, authorised biographer; Anne de Courcy, biographer of Lord Snowdon; and Craig Brown, Princess Margaret's unauthorised biographer.
just another story about a bunch of spoiled attention-seeking brats wasting away taxpayer money. you don't like diana? well at least diana used her powers and influence for a good cause - actually, fo...$选用的影像资料很宝贵,但广度和深度不够,视角也像上世纪60年代的小报一样,喜欢用吸人眼球的私生活作为卖点$看完忍不住搜了下lady-in-waiting Anne Tennant, Baroness Glenconner 也很有意思$因为公主,就一定要以身作则、严以律己吗?$非常有意思,也很真实


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