Just for the record, the Italian title of this film is "The Seventh Woman". Three bank robbers on the run in their aging Citroen come across a remote beach house & find that as a perfect place to hide out. Trouble is, though, the house is occupied, by a few Catholic school girls and their teacher, who is also a nun. The sadistic bank robbers move right on in, kill the maid, and...$三劫匪逃进天主教女校下属海景别墅劫持夏令营师生,倒不是预想中的剥削片,这导演走了较有品位的路线并无多少对色情暴力的直接描写,比如最残忍的捅下体一幕是通过表情特写正反打、广角变形镜头等来侧面渲染,摄影还蛮颇讲究构图,算强调心理张力与刻画忍无可忍伺机反杀的惊悚片,可惜情节本身没啥深度。Ray Lovelock用王子外形演匪首情节也围绕其欺骗性的外形展开,Florinda演修女老师,但修女按理说应该剪短...$犯罪,复仇,无聊。$金发妹妹好像崔颖$1、那盗贼进房间后先放歌听。$最漂亮的死了还死的最惨……有点变态过分了……反转的不够爽…