When Gerry Wade sleeps in and is late for breakfast, his friends find that he has a very good reason - he's been murdered. Lady Eileen Brent, known to her friends as Bundle and in whose bed Wade died, returns home and decides to investigate. When a second man is killed, he mentions something about " ...seven dials...tell Jimmy Thesiger..." but Thesiger has no idea what he was t...$London Weekend Television (LWT)80年拍了《悬崖上的谋杀》,81年拍了七面钟,两部都有John Gielgud客串。老实说保留原著年轻人充当业余侦探冒险的设定比某些台非要把波洛或者马小姐塞进去强多了(这种角色“戏霸”神烦好么)。这片要是Annis阿姨演'Bundle',James Warwick演Bill就完美了。Francesca Annis演her ladyshi...$喜闻乐见的套路,我喜欢$又一个某疑案$六七十年代可能是演藝二十二年代最好的一批?$由于惯性思维看到结果还觉得挺出乎意料的,要是罗兰由Francisca Annis演的话就更有意思了,名副其实的犯罪团伙。不过Battle应该没那么老吧,和想象中的不太一样。