Alex Sternberg wakes up with a hangover and no memory of how she ended up in bed with a dead man. She flees, convinced that she has had another blackout and stabbed someone. Her only support, Turner, an ex cop and recovering alcoholic who is unsympathetic to her plight. She could believe that it is as simple as a violent act committed while drunk, except that the body keeps re-...$“情节部分并不像角色日常生活那么好。惊悚内容并非必须,可既然你选择放置其中,为什么就不能让它们运转的更紧凑更可信些呢?关键秘密的揭示竟然是通过一句不可信的台词?……但方达和布里奇斯的表演,角色关系的诠释,是精彩而有趣的。他们互动的感觉很棒,有些对话比大多数电影的浪漫对话都生动。”$目前最喜欢的Jane Fonda表演。$正义主角面露邪恶表情让你以为笑里藏刀,结尾闪现同句台词抽科打诨承前启后,好莱坞大套路我看透了,Jane和Jeff相差12岁看上去居然毫无违和,仅提名最佳女主都比<柳巷芳草>好$清晨醒来血泊中…$我纯粹为了简方达而来,想看看她50岁的风采。演出了走在edge的那种感觉,不过这个剧情我真的佛了有点没看懂。另外还发现了凯西贝茨大妈的客串……