Kontakthof is a place where people meet who are searching for contact. To show yourself, to deny yourself. With fears. Desire. Disappointments. Desperation. First experiences. First attempts. Tenderness and what arises from it was an important theme in the work. Another, for example, was circus. Showing part of yourself, to overcome oneself. 注:该条目为148分钟全长演出片段,https://movie.doub...$原本以为自己是因为那些生硬、尴尬或互怼而笑出了眼泪,后来发现是真的被他们的成熟、勇敢和往日记忆感动到落泪。记得三年前看的青春版纪录片,那个女孩子说谢谢这段经历获得了很多人生经验,解答了一些困惑;阿姨说现在已经没什么困惑了;而皮娜的这些老者,我觉得他们同时是成熟的也依旧是困惑的。$密涅瓦的猫头鹰啊!$好喜欢T T$退休后生活有着落了,国内广场舞可以引进$我跳舞因为我悲哀——皮娜