The Mischievous Teenager is a 1969 Romanian film directed by Gheorghe Vitanidis based on a screenplay written by prose writer Nicolae Breban . The main roles were played by the actors Irina Petrescu , Iurie Darie , Virgil Ogăşanu , Ioana Bulcă , Horea Popescu and Zizi Şerban . The film has the structure of a flashback , in which a proud doctor tells a younger doctor, who had cu...$【01:43:17】$这部片子似乎描述的是男主人角的心理疾病,男主角在雨夜奇案中扮演会计科长。帕翠斯库在影片中有裸露床戏,为她的艺术奉献精神点赞!太美了!