神奇奥妙或卡尔施密特的回归Magical Mystery oder die Rückkehr des Karl Schmidt(2017)



又名:Magical Mystery or the Return of Karl Schmidt

主演:查理·哈纳 Annika Meier 德特勒夫·布克 

导演:阿尔内·菲尔杜森 / 编剧:Sven Regener


  Hamburg in the mid-1990s: following a breakdown and a stay in a psychiatric ward, Charly Schmidt lives in assisted accommodation in Hamburg. He’s kicked his alcohol and drug habit when he meets old friends from Berlin, who now earn a lot of money as music producers. Instead of his prescribed holiday in the Lüneburg Heath, Charly takes a job with them: he’ll drive their tour bus...$7分 从众人看疯子到一人看众生狂;一只豚鼠用它的死宣告了世界的癫狂。$7.3德领馆文教处,空调很冷,椅背不高,音响挺棒:Techno, Road Movie, post-crack-up rehabilitation.关注“前疯子”题材的片应该不多,这部里面差点复发的幻象是一种描述方式;公路片看的不多,这部剪切得蛮带劲的,喜欢四个城市的漏洞字。不过呢,确实没什么戏剧冲突,生活就是这样的么?豚鼠的葬礼…意义都可以被消解和缺无。适合不安安静静地看。$DJ巡演公路片?有个角色90%的台词都是重复Ich bin xxx。PS:主演和《宝莲灯》里猪八戒的演员长得好像噢大眼睛$是典型的以主角为中心驱动的故事,结构有点儿细碎,没有什么大的戏剧冲突。几处德式冷幽默很别致。开篇的第一首插曲很棒。


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