The two-part "Saint" episode "Vendetta for the Saint" has here been cobbled together to make one seamless adventure package. Those two episodes, numbers 113 and 114 (out of 118), first aired in January '69, but have never made it to U.S. syndication. So don't look for them with other Season 5 and 6 episodes occasionally showing on the cable station BBC-America. That's a real sh...$以前电视上看到过!粉罗杰摩尔!$Clash-Cash-Car同志,我也看过,经典啊$神探西蒙 其实叫圣徒 比他妈破007刺激多了 太好看了 看了怎么都行 可惜看过的人不多 只剩下我和天师记得$前半段有点拖沓,后半段很惊险。